Monday, July 28, 2014

Stable iodine to saturate the thyroid

"Some 4,715 people over three years are covered by this provision and 2,420 received Sunday iodine tablets," he told AFP a local official.

Five reception centers had been built and distribution after sessions explain the meaning of this initiative. "People who have not received this time will get them later," the official said.

Tablets receipts must be kept by those involved and not be swallowed as set by the authorities in case of radiation leak.

Stable iodine to saturate the thyroid

The jack is stable iodine saturate the thyroid, such as iodine-131 from the radioactive atomic no accident site to take place. Inhaled or swallowed radioactive iodine released into the environment would set in the thyroid gland, increasing the risk of developing cancer of this particularly sensitive gland. By saturating the thyroid, stable iodine prevents radioactive iodine from binding and allows the body to eliminate it naturally.

In France, the government decided in 1997 to organize the distribution of iodine tablets to people living within a radius of 10 km around nuclear power plants.

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